Consider the polynomial equation
where is a variable and the
are constants.
We know that we can factor this polynomial into so-called “zeros” (i.e., terms that, when set to zero and solved, yield values for that are roots of – that is, answers to – the equation):
Here, the s are the roots.
What we want to prove is that the coefficient, , for the
term in the polynomial equation is equal to the sum of the roots:
The proof we will use is a proof by induction taken from Khan Academy:
Let’s assume that what we want to prove is true, that a polynomial
Has roots
and that
That’s the same as saying that the product of the “zeros” can be multiplied out as follows:
Now consider the polynomial
It’s roots are
The product of “zeros” that goes along with this polynomial is
This can be extended by multiplying the expression of the product of zeros we had before by an additional “zero”, :
Next, we multiplied out the expression on the left side of this equation:
That gives us:
So if the sum of the roots equals minus the coefficient for the term of a polynomial in the case where the highest degree term is
as well as in the case where the highest degree term is
, it will be true for any degree polynomial.
Here are two examples:
Example 1:
This equation can be written as
are the “zeros”
are the roots.
If we expand the above equation, we get:
But coefficient of the term (
in this case) is
which, of course, is the sum of the roots, just as our theorem predicts.
Example 2
Now let’s consider a slightly more complex case, the case where :
Again, our concern will be , the coefficient of the
term, which in this case, is
. We know that when the above equation is factored, we end up with the product of three “zeros” equal to zero:
are the roots of the solution.
We multiply out the “zeros” equation to get a polynomial. Since , the easiest way to do this is to multiply the latter equation by
. Start with the
Now we’ll multiply by the term:
Add the results of the right side of the last two equations together. We get:
But the coefficient of the term,
, is the sum of the roots, which is what we hoped to show.