The Formula – new addition, free

The Formula, 2nd edition, has now been published and is free from Sunday 5/17/2020 through Thursday 5/22/2020. Some of the math has been removed from the novel to improve the flow of the story. However, more detailed versions of chapters that have been shortened are available on this website as well as other supplementary material, for readers so inclined.

Update: The Formula, To Catch the Wind and other things

I have been debating what I should do next.

My novel, The Formula, which I published independently, continues to have a slow but steady stream of sales. Reviews have been mixed – either 5’s or 1’s (which doesn’t average out very well). People either love it or hate it. The main criticism that readers level is that the novel contains incomprehensible mathematics and physics. Unfortunately, the understanding of the novel depends on the understanding of the math and physics, or at least their philosophical implications. I believe, however, that I might be able to remove the drawn-out explanations which readers seem to dislike while still communicating their implications. I can always leave links to this website for readers who are interested in the details. Accordingly, I have begun attempts to edit out the hardcore math/science (and edit the manuscript, in general – there has been criticism regarding typos, spelling, etc., which, to some extent, has merit). This editing process will take some time, though. Ultimately, when I have a more concise version of the book completed, I’d like to submit it to a few agents to see if I can get it into the mainstream publishing scene.

Meanwhile, I have been anxious to get going on my next novel, To Catch the Wind, a tale about a neurosurgery resident, the American medical system and the meaning of life. (What do these things have to do with each other, you ask? You’ll have to read the novel and find out:) At any rate, I have also begun work on this project simultaneously.

Finally, I’ve noted that the articles that constitute the background material for The Formula show a lot of inconsistency in style and format. This is because my knowledge of WordPress and programming was evolving as I was writing. In the future, I’d like to make these articles more visually appealing/user friendly.

Accomplishing these tasks will take a lot of work – and time. Hopefully, I’ll have more of the latter in the near future although, in life, this is never a certainty.

Until next time …

The Formula is Free!

A brutal murder, a frantic race to possess a precious religious artifact and an explanation for evil via quantum mechanics and chaos theory mark my novel, The Formula, a Dan Brown-like thriller for readers fascinated by math, extreme physics and the relationship between science and religion. It will be FREE on 8/23/19 and 8/24/19. You can download it on Amazon at the following link:

Get The Formula Free!

The Formula is Free!

My novel, The Formula-a Dan Brown-like thriller for readers who are fascinated by theoretical physics and the relationship between science and religion-will be FREE on Amazon from Monday 5/6/19 through Wednesday 5/8/19. Check it out at the following link:

Update to The Formula, Chapter 62 (Long Version)

Just a short detour before moving on to an introduction to quantum encryption. I’ve updated the long version of Chapter 62 of my novel The Formula. You can navigate to that chapter by clicking on the following link

Chapter 62 Long Version

Also, here are some acknowledgements/references for that chapter.

The general overviews from which I generated most of this article can be found at the following sites:

The discussions on Euler’s Totipotent Theorem were derived from the following sources:

Information on Euler’s Totipotent Function was gleaned from several sources. The main one was:

Proof of the multiplicity rule in modular arithmetic was largely taken from:

The proof of phi function multiplicity follows the arguments outlined in:

The discussion of Euclid’s Algorithm was taken from:

The proof that the Euclidean Algorithm works come from this source (document will be downloaded by clicking on the link)


“The Formula” now available

My first novel, “The Formula”, is now available for purchase on as an eBook or paperback. Links are as follows:



Check back frequently for promotions, including free giveaways!

The Formula: Sample Chapters

A book, lost for centuries, is said to recount the intimate conversations between Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene, providing evidence regarding the divinity of Christ (or lack thereof). When the book is rediscovered, the events that unfold threaten to shake the vary foundations of civilization. These events are the subject of my soon-to-be-published novel, The Formula, a thriller akin to The Da Vinci Code, but with a twist.

Sample chapters from The Formula can be viewed by clicking on the link below:

The Formula: Sample Chapters

The Ladies Club

What do you get when you cross Jerry Mahoney with The Stepford Wives? You get my first entry in the Fiction section of my website, my short story, “The Ladies Club.” The following is a link to this short story:

The Ladies Club

This short story is meant to be a companion to the first entry in the Neuroscience section of this site, “The Simple Response Machine.” The connection between my short story and this neuroscience article is that the neuroscience article, more or less, parallels the content of “the lecture” given by a character in my short story, psychologist Dr. Robert Baker. More importantly, the animations associated with “The Simple Response Machine” provide a visualization of many of “the slides” that Baker uses in his lecture. My recommendation would be to read “The Simple Response Machine” first, then read “The Ladies Club.”

I considered incorporating the animations into the lecture portion of the short story but, when I tried it, it just didn’t work.

Finally, as pointed out in my post introducing “The Simple Response Machine,” the reason that this neuroscience article and my short story are the first real content offered on this site is because they typify the types of issues that this site will address (especially, the relationships between science and philosophy and the use of literature to explore philosophical subject matter).

I hope you enjoy it.